Posts Tagged ‘Company Video Suggestions’

Make a “Cool” Company Video

Monday, March 28th, 2011

I consider myself late to the game when it comes to YouTube. I uploaded my first video in 2006, a year after the site was rocking. I got heavily involved in making short videos by 2007. In my eye that was about two years too late to really claim that I was maven, first to plant my flag on the behemoth that is YouTube. To make up for that fact, I decided I was never going to post unedited videos. Instead I would do what so many others have failed to do, which is edit my videos. A little editing goes a long way and separates your video from the clutter.

Anyway, the point of this post is to stress the importance of making interesting videos for your company and products. It’s now almost as important to be able to create and edit videos for and about your company as it is to have a company website. This is especially true if you have products that you sell, and it is that much more important if your products are unique.  The key to making your company video cool is to be inspired and then to execute your plan showcasing your creative inspiration.  I can’t begin to tell you how many company/corporate videos fall short here.  They become a generic look at a unique work place.  Simple fact – if you’re not passionate and inspired by what you create it will be painfully obvious.  

A few rules of thumb – keep it quick, if you are going to make me watch something for several minutes make sure you hold my interest.    Create several and test them with your staff, family and friends before placing them on your website.   Hire college students to help especially if you have a local university that has a film department.  They need the experience and will bring the know-how to the table for less $.   Edit your footage.  If you don’t have the time to learn a basic editing program like Apple’s IMovie or Window’s Movie maker – (both are as easy to use as PowerPoint) – hire a student in your community to help. 

Here are several company/product video ideas to inspire your inner Spielberg – or for those who enjoy more explosions, your inner Jerry Bruckheimer.

Make a video about the history of your company. Be classy and passionate by conducting a serious interview. Then mix it up with some old photos, cool shots of your products with lots of depth of field, and a killer soundtrack. Yours could be just like Oakley

Make a humorous video showing how you test products and make sure the president of your company is placing his body in harm’s way.  Yours could be similar to Brand Fuel Or like the work from Jeff Anderton for Geiger

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